Let's protect what we care for

Who are you,Where are you, Caribou?

One of Hooké's core values is to promote nature and wildlife conservation. With this in mind, we have chosen to partner with Nature Québec, a non-profit organization, to highlight a current concern: the protection of the caribou. Read our article to learn more about this animal and the conservation challenges it faces.


That's how much the mountain caribou population has declined over the last fifteen years.

Let's protect the emblem of our forests

Several historical factors explain the decline of caribou populations in Quebec, but the majority are linked to the disturbance of their habitat by human activities.

Learn more


Nature Québec is a national non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of natural environments and the sustainable use of resources since 1981. Throughout Quebec, it raises awareness, mobilizes, and takes action towards a more just society, with a low ecological and climate footprint, in solidarity with the rest of the planet.