About the episode

Episode 1 takes place in “The Land of the Ancestors” Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve, an Indigenous protected area of more than 26 000 square km on the East arm of the Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories. Follow Fred Campbell as he flies to Frontier Lodge to learn more about this unique territory, its people, and its culture. Thaidene Nene is the perfect place to catch Lake Trout, Pike and Grayling on the fly and is known for its unique wildlife and spectacular Northern Lights. Endless water and endless land with a true feeling of freedom is what you find here in “The Land of the Ancestors.”

Ron Desjarlais

Ron Desjarlais is a Łutsël K’é Dene First Nations person raised in the traditional lifestyle of his people, with the East Arm of Great Slave Lake as his back yard.His expertise on the land and water, combined with his understanding of the local wildlife, make his tours exceptional.

Adeline Jonasson

Adeline Jonasson was chief of Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation from 2006-2008 and now sits on the management board for the Thaidene Nëné Indigenous Protected Area in Canada. She is passionate about the need to protect the land, her ancestor’s traditional territory, the water and all living things for future generations.

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