ICI - Episode 02

ICI - Episode 02
From Latin HIC (without movement, where you are)
The precise location of the speaker marks a point of departure in time and marks the present moment.

True forces of nature, Virginie Gargano and Camille Godue-Couture are seasoned adventurers who embrace challenges. With a doctorate in social work, Virginie combines her passion for adventure and education by developing and leading a wide variety of expeditions with goals of support, socialization, growth, education and therapy. Camille, on the other hand, is pursuing her Master's degree in Education, as well as being co-founder of Au Grand air - Éducation par la nature, a cooperative with an objective to help children's overall development through nature.

Never shying away from a challenge, the two women met for the first time on a whitewater canoe trip. Amidst the cold and rain, they shared and discussed their professional backgrounds in education, adventure and the outdoors. With their new-found complicity, they prove that challenges can be transformed into learning, and that adventure awaits those who dare to dream big.


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